Shiur 65-Rabbi Gabriel Sassoon

From Slavery to Freedom This shiur is l'lu nishmas the 7 Sassoon children whose yorzeit was rosh Chodesh Nissan

Shiur 66-Rabbi Daniel Travis

Rabbi Travis will discuss the deaths of Yisroel Levin and Elisheva Kaplan There are Those Who Are Taken Away Without Transgression  

Shiur 493-Rabbi Tuvia Vinitsky

Tehillim Celebration. This Shabbos yud Tammuz, it will be the 4th anniversary of the start of the 2014 Gaza War. We have boruch Hashem been saying Tehillim twice a day, every day over the phone since then. Rabbi Vintsky will be giving us a shiur on Tehillim the shiur is being dedicated to Rabbi Vinitsky's mother, Shulamis bas Yitzchok who ...